Note: The products that I have recommended are ones that have worked really well for me. I can not guarantee that they will be life-changing to you as well, however, I wanted to share just in case you wanted to try for yourself!
Skincare for a Busy Girl
I find that whenever I am tired from a busy day, my skincare routine is always the first to go. Doing a super complicated skin care routine has never really worked for me. However, as I get older, taking care of my skin is becoming more and more of a priority for me. If you can get super busy like me and struggle with sticking to a skincare regimen, here are a couple of my favorite products and tips to keep me from falling asleep with my makeup on.
The Busy Girl’s Skin Care Routine:
- Wipe off Makeup with Makeup Wipes
- Cleanse Face w/ Clarisonic
- Apply Mask (Only Once a Week)
- Pat in Serum/Treatment (Acne, Hydration, Dark Spot, Anti-Aging, etc.)
- Moisturize
- Sunscreen (In the Daytime)
Tips: Make your skincare regimen something that you look forward to doing every morning and night by adding music and investing in products you love! Don’t skip out on your skincare routine. Your future self will be thanking you.
BodyCare for a Busy Girl
As a girl who suffers from severe eczema, my body needs hydration ALL THE TIME. As a young girl, I really struggled with being insecure about this skin disease. However, now that I am older, I have learned to control it…well, this week. Just kidding, but if you have eczema or really dry skin, I am sure you can relate. Is your skin in need of some hydration? I got ya! Right now, most of the products I use are from Lush Cosmetics. They are vegan and cruelty free! Check the out!
This shower gel is my favorite to use at night time. It has a sort of sweet lavender smell that is soothing, calming, and very hydrating.
I have never really used shower scrub but since I have been using Lush Cosmetics, I decided to try one of theirs. Spoiler Alert: I LOVED ITTT! It smells like peppermint and has a cooling sensation after you get out of the shower! I only use it twice to three times a week!
Since my skin needs a lot of hydration, sometimes at night I will use one of Lush’s body conditioners if I feel like my body needs a little more hydration than usual. Body conditioners basically work like hair conditioners. After you cleanse, you lather it on your skin and wash it off! Strange concept, I know. But super helpful to those struggling with sensitive skin.
“The Dreammm Creammmm” In my household, this product literally has a theme song. I use this body cream every single day of my life. If you need hydration, you need this!
Haircare for Busy (Curly) Girls:
Below are some of my favorite hair care products for curly hair. Although I am wearing my hair straight right now, when it gets warmer, I typically wear my hair curly more often. I like to deep condition once a week and limit my use of shampoo. Here are some of my go-to products for a girl on the go!
My Quick and Easy Curly Hair Routine:
(This routine works for my hair however, if it doesn’t for yours, try adding (or subtracting) some steps to better suite your hair type).
- Cleanse w/ Shampoo or Co-Wash (if wash day)
- Apply Conditioner (Once a Week, Deep Condition)
- Detangle with Tangle Teaser or Wide Tooth Comb
- Rinse & Dry (w/ Microfiber Towel or T-Shirt)
- Apply Leave-In Conditioner and Oil
- Style
Whenever my hair is straight, I try to avoid heat as much as possible. Instead of curling my hair, I will sleep with rollers to avoid any heat! Here are some of my favorite rollers.
Tips: Finding the perfect hair care routine takes a lot of time and patience, so try not to be disappointed if a style or product doesn’t work out for you. Don’t worry, you are just one step closer to finding out what does!
Thanks for reading! If interested, check out some of these products. To avoid paying full price to try a product, check out Sephora! They often have a LOT of samples you can try if you go in and ask! What are some of your favorite beauty products/hacks for busy girls? Let me know down below in the comments!
With Love, Theresa Ann
Rachel says
I love doing face masks! I just got some of the Peter Thomas Roth ones for Christmas – so excited to use them!
Rachel says
That Clarisonic brush was my 2018 skin care SAVIOR! I got to do a collab with them (which is how I discovered the brush) and since then I’m 100% a believer and tell everyone I know to get one!
Alix Maza says
I use a face mask like once a week, but I sheet mask a lot more! Sheet masking relaxes me after a busy day.
Ash says
Lush literally has my favorite stuff! Great busy routine ๐๐ฝ
Deborah says
I need to do more with body care! I get really bad eczema in the winter and moisturizing products like the Lush Body Conditioner is perfect!