An Introduction to My Little Beautiful Book Reviews
Hi blessed, brilliant, beauties! Welcome to my very first beautiful book review on the Blessed Brilliant Beautiful blog. As an English major, I do a lot of reading and writing of course. However, there is something about reading books that makes me feel so free. It is like with each book I finish, not only do I feel a sense of accomplishment, but I feel like I just went on a whole new adventure. If you have been following my blog, you know how much I love to travel. For me, reading is like the more cost efficient way to have an adventure. The first time I truly fell in love with reading was when I was in middle school. I didn’t really fit in with a lot of the kids I went to school with and always felt like an outcast. One day I picked up my older sister’s first book of the Harry Potter series and I felt like I finally belonged. This has stayed true for most of my life until now. By adding my beautiful little book reviews to the Blessed Brilliant Beautiful blog, I hope to encourage young women to read more and feed their souls with the meticulously designed words upon pages in books. Enjoy!
My Thoughts on “Girl, Wash Your Face”
In this review of beautiful books, I will be talking about the one and only, “Girl, Wash Your Face” by Rachel Hollis.
Rachel Hollins’ newest book “Girl, Wash Your Face” was released on February 6, 2018 and has been in the hands of young women all over the world ever since. Hollis originally started out as a blogger, but now has an entire platform and media company that she grew with her husband. In my opinion, the book was absolutely magnificent. This book is for the girl struggling, but not really understanding why. It is for young women of all ages who have gone through happy times and hard times. Hollis wrote this book as if she were sitting next to me in my favorite coffee shop telling me her story. She doesn’t write in a way that is boastful, nor does she write in a way that begs her audience to pity her. Instead, she writes as if she is trying to share little lessons that she realized later in life in hopes of helping young women realize their fullest potential. If you are looking for a book that is going to tell you everything is going to be okay and God will handle everything, this is not the book for you. Hollis is real and very open with her reader. As you flip the pages one by one, you gain a sense of trust in her voice. Although I didn’t necessarily agree with absolutely every point she made in the book, I thought her points were so important, I gave the book to my best friend to read. “Girl, Wash Your Face” does reference a lot around the christian faith however, it is not overwhelming in the slightest. There was a balance of inspiration, reflection, and encouragement throughout the entire text. Her words didn’t seem too polished and were written in a tone that was welcoming and friendly. She address soooo many prevalent internal emotional issues and external social issues that really surprised me. I loved her honesty and can not wait to read her next book, “Girl, Stop Apologizing” which will be released March 2019!
My Favorite Quotes
There were so many great quotes in this book that I wish I could just cut them out and place them all over my room! But I call my books beautiful for a reason and won’t be cutting any of them up any time soon. Here are a couple that struck home for me.
“Creating is the greatest expression of reverence I can think of because I recognize that the desire to make something is a gift from God. The freedom to carve out the time and have a safe place to create that art is a blessing of the highest level in a world where so many people are unable to have either. Every time I indulge in the art of creation without worrying about what the public will think of it is craft in its purest form—and craft can be any old thing at all. For me it’s writing.”
― Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be
“…know this one great truth: you are in control of your own life. You get one and only one chance to live, and life is passing you by. Stop beating yourself up, and dang it, stop letting others do it too. Stop accepting less than you deserve. Stop buying things you can’t afford to impress people you don’t even really like. Stop eating your feelings instead of working through them. Stop buying your kids’ love with food, or toys, or friendship because it’s easier than parenting. Stop abusing your body and your mind. Stop! Just get off the never-ending track.”
― Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies About Who You Are so You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be
“The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, patience, peace, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. All of these are incredible values, but I believe there’s always one that we need the most in a particular season. Choose the one that resonates with you at this moment, write it down on some Post-its, and stick them everywhere.”
― Girl, Wash Your Face: Stop Believing the Lies about Who You Are So You Can Become Who You Were Meant to Be
What are your thoughts on the book? Have you read it yet? Do you want to read it? Let me know down below in the comments! Thanks for reading! Remember you are blessed, brilliant, and beautiful!
<3 TD
Thank you so much for this! I’ve heard so many people say it’s a great book but no one I’ve seen has done an official review. Can’t wait to start reading it!
I’ve heard so many good things about Girl, Wash Your Face! One of my sorority sisters and I were just talking about it and I think I definitely need to read it!
I’ve heard great things about this book! Loved your review of it.
this book is in my to-read list – it sounds fantastic!
I’ve heard so many great things about this book- after reading your review I definitely need to check it out!
I’m really excited about her next book too! “Girl, Stop Apologizing” sounds like a must-read!
I’ve had this book on my To-read list and I really want to pick it up and read it now! I like Rachel Hollis!
I’ve never read Girl Wash Your Face, but like you I grew up using reading as an excuse to adventure and a way to “fit in”. I have to read Girl Wash Your Face this fall.
I haven’t heard of this book before! It sounds like a good one!
Just finished listening this book in the car and LOVED IT! Actually started it over again, I’ve been suggesting it to everyone!
Yes I have read Girl, Wash Your Face, and I LOVE it! It was a true game changer for me, and I try to think about a lot of things differently because of Rachel Hollis’ advice. And of course I am now a total Rachel Hollis fangirl!
This book sounds so good!! I’m definitely putting it on my “to read” list!
Ooooh I’ve gotta get my hands on this book. It sounds like a good read!
Ash |