Hey, blessed brilliant beauties! I can’t believe that 2017 is already over! For me, 2017 has been a year of lessons. I have learned so many things about myself, my relationships, and even my faith–some good and some…not so good. And I am totally okay with it all! I feel like I have become such a stronger woman thanks to 2017. I have met some really great people and started taking my blog more seriously! I cried a lot, laughed a lot, loved a lot, and lost some great people. Nevertheless, I am starting to figure out who I am…but ya know, I am not even twenty-one yet so I still have a long way to go on this journey of mine.As we progress into the new year, I decided to write this post on how to prep for the new year as requested by my amazing blessed brilliant beauties on Insta! (You can follow me here.) So let’s go ahead and jump into this thang!
I one hundred percent recommend beginning your new year prep with cleaning and organizing yourself. From laundry to your car, spend a little extra time throwing away things you don’t need (including bad habits, bad people, negative thinking, etc.) so you can start fresh with the new year. Invest in a really good planner and start jotting down things for the new year! Give away old clothes and buy some new ones if you want to #treatyoself. Starting out fresh and clean is a perfect way to start out a new year. Organization tip: If you haven’t thought about using it in the past month, throw it away girl! Here are some cute planners to start organizing:
The next thing I suggest is creating a list of goals for yourself in the new year. Yes, kind of like resolutions but this time, I challenge you to keep them a secret. I find that when I start sharing too much with others, their inputs kind of blur my vision and let me second guess myself. Well, blessed brilliant beauties, WE ARE NOT HAVING THAT THIS YEAR! Every goal, dream, and aspiration you have for the next year, write them down in a place where you can revisit them (like the notes in your phone) and let’s make these dreams into reality.
This year is all about self-care on the blog. I spent so much time in 2017 allowing others to get in the way of my physical, mental, and spiritual health. Uh-uh. We are not doing that this year blessed brilliant beauties. If we don’t take care of ourselves, how in the world are we supposed to care of others around us? I am excited to announce that starting this January be doing self-care Sundays on my social media sharing ways to give yourself some love this new year! In terms of prep, try having some quiet time to yourself! I started reading more, staying to myself, and doing stuff that makes me feel like me! I even subscribed to The Self Care Box! I am telling y’all, this year it is all about goals and self-care! Make sure to subscribe to the blog below (scroll to the bottom) to never miss out on a self-care Sunday! Check out these cute self-care goodies below to start off your first self-care sunday with me!
My last and most important prep for the new year is GIVE IT TO GOD AND LEAVE IT IN 2017!All the anger, the hate, the frustration, the hurt, the negativity…anything that doesn’t make you feel like a daughter of the King, girl, just leave it in 2017. Now always keep it classy but to those who have hurt you, go ahead and give it to God and keep letting his light shine through you. We are too blessed, brilliant, and beautiful for all that nonsense anyway!
So that is all for this blog blessed brilliant beauties! Hope you enjoyed these ideas for prepping for the new year! Do you have any plans for new years! I will be praying in the new year at church! Let me know below about your new year plans! I’ll see you soon and remember, you are blessed, brilliant, and beautiful!
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
-Romans 8:18
<3 TD
Need more new year inspo? Read Stop Dreaming on the blog next!
Great idea for focusing on self-care this year. That’s also what I’ll be trying to do since 2017 was such a hard year for me. I wish you the best of luck on your self-care journey, and I’ll be sure to stay tuned!
Loved all your advice in this post. Like you, I grew a lot in 2017 and there’s a lot I feel like I’ve outgrown and I’m ready to leave behind. So excited for 2018!
I also feel like a stronger woman thanks to circumstances in 2017. Wishing you a happy new year girly!!
xoxo A
I definitely have some things I need to let go and leave in 2017. Thanks so much for the advice!
I love this so much! I definitely agree that the new year is the perfect time to purge yourself of all the negative energy and negative people plus all the useless things you have in your life. I’m so excited to renew in 2018!
I’d love to see a review of the self-care box. Is it worth the money?
I totally feel ya girl, I’ve learned a lot myself and others this past year and I’m 21. We just have to keep reminding ourselves we have a lot of life to look forward to and to keep these lessons in mind as we grow. Cheers to a new year!
These are such great tips! That self care box sounds incredible – I think I need one of tgose!
Loved this post! I have a few goals in mind for this year that I need to jot down and create a course of action for.
Yes to getting yourself organized right away! It’s what I always struggle to keep up with the whole year but I’m so determined to make sure I stick with it this year!
Logan | signedlogan.com
Loving the focus on self care this year! I’m here for face masks several times a week and being nice to ourselves!
Goals! My hardest one to just keep going all year long!
xo, L