Have you ever heard someone tell you, “Choose your battles wisely?” No, they don’t mean actually to literally chose when to pack up your fighting gear and prepare for full on war…wait, now that I say it out loud, that is exactly what they mean! Well…to a certain extent.
One of the most important lessons I have learned this summer while trying to find peace within myself and God is to choose to let the little things go. My father use to always tell me, “Control what you can control and give the rest to God.” Are my dad’s words not convincing enough for ya? Well the Bible tells us in Proverbs 4:25-27…
“Let your eyes look directly forward, and your gaze be straight before you. Ponder the path of your feet; then all your ways will be sure. Do not swerve to the right or to the left; turn your foot away from evil.”
Little things like when a friend does you wrong or a boy breaks your heart, you don’t get the internship you wanted or you don’t do the best on an exam are all little things that you can’t necessarily control. Once it happens, it happens. However, even though we can’t always control the outcomes of certain things in our lives such as the examples above, there is something that we can control–choosing to let it go.
So you’re probably wondering, “Don’t you hold grudges or hold things against people that have wronged you?” It’s true. I’m definitely not perfect but I know that my God doesn’t hold me to a standard of perfection, but of grace. And I choose to let go of the little negative things in my life that are holding me back from my greatest potential as a Godly woman.
So what does letting little things go do for you? Well first off, it helps you focus on the things that matter. Have you ever been friends with someone who always talked about how evil their last best friend was? It can get quite annoying to say the least because you, the new friend in their life, are here in the present. Focusing on the present allows you to step into your future with a full heart set on positivity and God. All those little negative things in your life only serve as a distraction to your true potential.
So what’s my point.
Learning to let the little things go gives YOU the power to be in control of your happiness and your life. Being a blessed, brilliant, beauty means that you are hardworking, talented, and focused on your future with God. Only positive things comes with this type of thinking. So stop focusing on the past, learn from it, but move your focus onto something more important and present in your life. Remember blessed, brilliant, beauty, things in your life only become part of your life when you give it value. Value the positivity and let go of the rest.
<3 TD