When I look in the mirror it is true. I see a pretty young woman. Now I didn’t always see a pretty young woman but, today, I see her. I see her warm smile, crazy curls, and welcoming eyes. When I look in the mirror I see a pretty young woman. I hope that when you look in the mirror too, you see something similar. Maybe not crazy curls but, something unique, something beautiful. But as I look in the mirror, I see so much more than just pretty. I see strong.
Strength is an odd thing to talk about as a way to describe a young woman because, like many other young women, I was brainwashed into thinking that being strong was something that a man should be, that it was a male characteristic. WRONG!
Women are some of the strongest creatures God created. Our bodies and minds were built for unmeasurable amounts of physical and emotional strength. We are more than pretty. We are strong.
Look at history. Look at all of those remarkable women that sat in the front of the bus, fought for women’s suffrage, and defied sexes stereotypes and won gold medals. That strength is within all of us. And yes, not only were those women strong, they were pretty!
The media has a funny was of making “pretty” and “strong” mutually exclusive characteristics in individuals. We have created certain accepted traits that a woman should embody and we look down upon those women who defy those limitations. God made you the way you were meant to be regardless if the world thinks it’s good enough. Do not let those limits define you.
I challenge you to find strength within yourself. I challenge you to look in the mirror and see not only beauty, but strength. Most importantly, I challenge you to always remember that you are blessed, brilliant, and beautiful. How are you going to nurture that inner strength within you this week?ย See you next Friday!
“But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me.”
-2 Timothy 4:17
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