Hey, blessed brilliant beauties! Grab your favorite hot tea because today’s post is going to be all about how you can spend a little time with God every day. Since I have been back at school, I have been really missing my family. I always call back home my home base. I have been going through some personal things here at school and have been craving home base A LOT! It wasn’t until I sat with myself that I realized, yes, of course, my family provides me with a sense of comfort that nothing else here on this Earth can compare but, the thing that gives me most peace, is spending time with God.
I can tell you right now since I have been spending time with God more, I have felt so much more peace. Instead of being so reactionary to what people may say about me or what I think they feel, I have gotten into the habit of praying about it then setting my heart free of any of the weight that may have been there before. Giving my troubles to God has left me with such a forgiving heart. Because let me tell you something right now, all those things and people you think are worried about you probably aren’t. So when I spend time with God, whether it is through singing in my car, journaling in my prayer journal, or even praying at night, I ask him to cleanse me, forgive them, and lift the weight my heart! It works!
Okay so you’re probably like GIRL! Give us your ideas! Here are some ways that you can spend more time with God every day!
Pray Every Morning
Prayer! One of the simplest ways to spend time with God every day is making a routine habit of saying a quick prayer sometime during the morning. My mom taught me this little trick when I was young. She told me to thank God for waking me up every morning and ask for a great day. So whether it is while you’re brushing your teeth or sitting in your car, try to pick a time every morning and stay consistent.
Create Your Own Worship Playlist
This is my favorite way to praise God! If you know me, you know I love music. So I have a playlist that I like to play every morning either in my car if I drive to school or my headphones if I walk. Here are my favorite songs on my playlist!
1. What A Beautiful Name by Hillsong Worship
2. O Come To The Altar by Elevation Worship
3. Holding My World by Kristian Stanfill
Start a Prayer Journal
I have a journal that I write my prayers in but I have seen some super cute bullet prayer journals that are just so cute! As a writer, having a prayer journal really helps me physically get out anything that may be on my heart. For me, it is a safe place that I can be my true self with God and where nobody can judge me. I don’t write in it everyday but when I do, I feel so at peace with anything that is troubling me!
Read a Devotional
A devotional is a great resource for spending time with God everyday because most of the time, devotionals are designed to be done everyday! Don’t forget about devotionals that are digital! There are so many great apps that encompase great devotionals!
Listen to a Podcast
Podcasts are my favorite way to pass the time on the city bus on the way to school. My favorite podcasts are from Set Apart Girl!ย You can even listen to sermons on youtube if you have a favorite preacher!
Read a Book for Christian Girls
My goal this year is to read a lot more! One of the ways I enjoy spending time with God is reading books about being a Christian girl. I love books that are filled with genuine stories and advice.
Bible Journal
I wish I was better at this but I do have a bible that is specific to bible journaling. Bible journaling is like artistically portraying the word tinyour own creative way. Some use colored pencils while other use actual watercolor paint! It’s a fun, peaceful way to spend time with God by yourself!
Subscribe to a Faith Blog
If you don’t already, subscribe to a faith-based blog. One thing I love about faith-based blogs is that they are REAL! They show that you don’t have to separate God from your life. It is possible to live for him daily. These women always motivate me to spend time with God. I hope this helped out some Blessed, Brilliant, Beauties this evening! See you next week!