I don’t know if anyone has told you, but you are different. School is hard, stressful, expensive, sometimes lonely, and comes with a lot of pressure. Sometimes you may feel as if the pressure from your friends, peers, or sometimes even yourself is too much to handle. You may feel constantly overwhelmed and confused as to what you are actually supposed to be doing. But in the midst of it all, I hope you know that you are different. And for that, you will not fail.
What you need to understand is that you are not different because of what you have to offer the world. You are different because of who is within you. There is a scripture I say over and over to myself whenever I felt in doubt. Psalm 46:5 says “God is within her, she will not fail. God will help her at the break of day.”
God is within you and you will not fail.
As a daughter of the King, you must recognize that you can’t compare yourself to other people as a way of trying to find some value within yourself. This doesn’t work because every time you will find something that is going to make you fall short and feed your spirit with the lie that says you are not enough.
You are already enough.
Not by any number, any test score, any amount of followers, or how many people like your status updates on Facebook.
You are enough because even in the midst of turmoil, frustration, and difficult times, you continuously choose faith.
When it looks impossible, you choose faith.
When you doubt yourself, you choose faith.
Even when you look around and it’s just you and God and you feel like you have no idea what you’re doing here, you still choose faith.
You are different and failure is not in your nature. 2 Timothy 1:7 states, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but one of power, love, and sound judgement.”
Stay close to God and remember, He has sent you here on a mission. If God has given you the vision that you are supposed to be here to serve His people through medicine or as a chef or nail technician or whatever it is you feel He has placed on your heart, your sole job is to make sure that you do everything that you can to complete that mission. But in doing that, you don’t rely on your own talents and intellect alone. (Don’t get me wrong, you still need that so keep studying). I say that to remind you that when you do feel like giving up, remember your why and remember who will be there to help you at the break of day.
Don’t forget whose you are. Complete your mission and keep the faith.
I am proud of you.