I see you. I see you hide your pain and watch you avoid looking in the mirror when you walk past them in the department stores. I see how you follow then unfollow then follow back again all those perfect Instagram models that go to the gym everyday and never seem to rewear outfits. I see how you rely on him to tell you you are beautiful so you can convince yourself for the night that if he thinks so, so should you. I see you.
But can I tell you something? (Warning, unpopular opinion.) You’re not perfect and you never will be. There is always going to be someone out there prettier than you and smarter than you. There is always someone out there who is better. And you know what? That’s okay.
But you see that’s not what the world teaches us. We always have to be the prettiest, the best, the most loved, but in reality, the love that matters the most, is God’s love for us and trust me, he has a lot of it for you. All you ahve to do is accept it.
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” -Romans 12:2
You see in Psalm 149:13 it says that you are beautifully and wonderfully made….like from the getgo, girl. You don’t need the hottest makeup or clothes to fit this qualification. You just got it like that. But in all seriousness, you have been created because there was something in YOU that God felt that this world NEEDED. You are not here by mistake. You were not made by mistake. You are in no way, a mistake.
“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” -James 1:17
Trust me, I use to rely so much on my ex-boyfriend and friends to validate my experiences and feelings to make me “feel better about myself.” But that wasn’t fair to them or myself. It wasn’t until I started actively trying to figure out who it is that God says that I am when I truly started loving everything in the mirror. I became enough for myself because I knew I was enough for Him. So I stopped looking at the insta likes, who was following me, or who complimented me on my new outfit or hair that day. Because that didn’t matter to me anymore. I finally became enough for me.
So I know that not everyday will be the best day, and if you find yourself struggling with the girl looking back at you in the mirror, I understand. But remember that your history doesn’t define your destiny. I can’t remember where I heard that from but it has stuck with me for the past couple of months. All girls go through it. Yes, even those Instagram models. But girl, God said that you were clothed in strength and dignity. You don’t need that guy’s opinion of you to be how you define yourself. You don’t need Instagram or Twitter to validate a false version of you that is getting a little too exhausting for you to keep up with. Because YOU are blessed, brilliant, beautiful, and favored by THE MOST high.
“She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” -Proverbs 31:25
So give yourself a break. Love that girl staring back in the mirror. Think of how far she’s come. Think of how much she has grown. Think of where she is going. Think of her strength, determination, and fearlessness to fight everyday for her joy. Take care of her, physically and mentally. But lastly, remember, if God can create such beautiful things in this Earth like the stars, the mountains, and the oceans, why on Earth would you think that you’re anything less.
It is not him who defines your worth, it is HIM. Love y’all, stay blessed, brilliant, and beautiful! You are worthy. You are enough.
“Only God gives inward peace, and I depend on Him. God alone is the mighty rock that keeps me safe, and he is the fortress where I feel secure.” -Psalm 62:5-6
Lovely post as always! Pinned and just signed up for your emails 🙂
“So I stopped looking at the insta likes, who was following me, or who complimented me on my new outfit or hair that day. Because that didn’t matter to me anymore. I finally became enough for me.”
I LOVED this! I resonate with this post so much because of people pleasing, but you’re so right, God’s opinion of us is the only one we should seek to validate our worth. Thanks for sharing girl!
Xoxo, Ashley / https://thehoneyscoop.com/how-to-make-friends-in-your-1st-semester-of-college/
This is such a great post! It resonated with me and it was just such an encouragement! Pinned!