Hey Blessed Brilliant Beauties!
So today I want to talk about comparing ourselves to others and why we should limit this type of thinking.
I was a competitive gymnast for my entire life until I left for college. So from the time I could barely walk, I was taught the joys of perfection, grace, and winning first place. I always found myself scoping out the competition and seeing which girl I thought had on a prettier leotard, was more flexible, or even had longer curls coming out of their pink sparkly scrunchie. At that time, I thought that was what everybody did. But now that I have matured (just a little haha) and experienced the real world, I have found that those who are on top of their game, winning first place, being awarded fellowships, getting into the top schools, etc. are doing so because they are so focused on the bettering of their skill set and themselves as a whole that they don’t have time to be worried about comparing themselves to the player next to them.
Think about it. If we put as much energy as we do comparing ourselves to the girl next to us into our own selves, think of how much more we would accomplish! Think of how much more lives we could inspire! Think of how much less stress we would build up in our heart!
So blessed, Brilliant, beauties, if you haven’t understood my point yet, let me put it this way…YOU WERE NOT MEANT TO BE “HER”! Instead of comparing yourself to “her”, congratulate and motivate “her”. She will always have a completely different skill set than you and that is absolutely okay! You are allowed to tell another girl she is beautiful, talented, and quite amazing without thinking of yourself as anything less than.
From someone who had and sometimes still has so much trouble with this, try to practice to be at peace with the fact that God made you the way you are, a way nobody else can replicate. He made you with special talents, special personality traits, special leadership qualities, and more! Why would you want to be anything else than something crafted so uniquely that it can never me replicated ever again? You are not “her” not because you’re not good enough to be her, but you are something better… You are you!
Comment down below something that makes you unique and special. It could be a talent, hobby, or anything that you want to share that makes you amazingly you!
See you soon!
<3 TD
Love this!
Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it!
LOVE LOVE LOVE. Needed this today.
Girl you are absolutely amazing! You are my role model!